Counter Cards with Easels Are a Great Way to Tell Your Story

At Swift Print Communications we care about your business and are dedicated to delivering products that make a difference. Recently we produced some pretty exciting results for customers at both trade shows and retail. In this case I am talking about counter cards (those things that have easels on the back typically sitting on checkout…

Backpack Walking Flag helps increase ice cream sales. Learn how…

Check out how SwiftGoBig can help build sales in unconventional ways. Recently I was working with a large local client who sells ice cream at intermission. They invited me over asking if I could help attach a sign to their coolers so as their people walked up and down the aisles it would be easy…

Swift Print Communications & A New Beginning

As many of you know I have a special passion for large format graphics, portable displays and print related services in general. I oftentimes spend days, nights and weekends reading, studying and scouting for new materials, processes and services to help better serve clients. To my family’s chagrin they almost refuse to take me with…